Herbert Kawanstraat 15
3543 BJ Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone + 31 (0)6 533 00 220
Takeovers, mergers and divestments
During takeovers, mergers and divestments key areas of attention are strategy, organisation, marketing, products and services.  Playing an equally important role are financial, legal, fiscal, personnel and emotional aspects. Careful preparation and guidance is therefore essential.

Takeovers and mergers require complete focus and specific expertise of the whole process.
A project based approach, where the right expertise and manpower are combined, forms the basis for a successful transition.
The sale of a business requires full management involvement.  Besides the sale, they are required to remain focused upon: the market, the clients, the suppliers, the employees and all other stakeholders.

Depending on the specific needs that arise prior to the takeover or sales process, VanSoestDolmans can provide the necessary support. Whether it is about managing the entire project or filling in a specific task during the process, support in most disciplines is on hand.